Thursday, 6 November 2014

Logs of Thursday 6th November

6300 @ 1529 RNP (Night Pirate) - 35434, ID, Dutch chat & instrumental music CD @ 1536
6747 @ 1608 Pioneer - 34334, Dutch songs & music
6285 @ 1610 AC DC - 34434, Neil Diamond - Beautiful Noise, then CD
6290 @ 1700 Rode Adelaar - 35434, ID - Dutch music & songs
6305 @ 1811 Norton - 34333, Dutch music
6295 @ 1832 Montferland - 45434, "Tiger Feet" by Mud
6396 @ 1838 GSV - 45434, great to hear GSV again. Neil Young music

Some videos of Radio Montferland and Radio GSV are on the video link to the right: