Saturday 2 December 2023

Logs of Saturday 2nd December 2023

Freq  Time
6300 1620 WMR 35433-4 Relaying a MW broadcast from tyhe 1980s
6285 1623 Ronalisa 24322 “In My House” by Mary Jane Girls
6205 1629 SWR 35433 Scandinavian Weekend Radio, “Dreams” by Ozi & Tom Mountain
1629 2021 Carolina 2-35433 At the end of QSO with other station after earlier broadcast, organ music, deep fading
1638 2023 Frieloo 24322 “Vier Zomers Lang” by Dirk Meeldijk, signal faded up and down into the noise

There were very few MW stations on the band this evening and signals were very variable.

A index = 15, K index = 1
SFI = 148, SN = 92 @ 2142

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